“The engine is the heart of an airplane, but the pilot is its soul.” –Walter Raleigh
“The engine is the heart of an airplane, but the pilot is its soul.” –Walter Raleigh
First, I wanted to share how the Young Marines has impacted my life. September 2015, I saw the Trinity Valley Young Marines lining up and preparing for the flag ceremony at the Terrell Air Show. I asked some questions and took a flyer. I discussed the program with my parents on the way home.
At that time, I was playing select soccer and this took up most of my time with my focus on academics. My family and I agreed to think about it and see if it was right for me. We left for vacation December 2015 headed for the East Coast. We stayed with my Uncle and Aunt on the base in Dover, Delaware.
My uncle took me on tour of the base. The Young Marines
stayed on my mind while we were on vacation. We visited the Arlington Cemetery, The White House, Liberty Bell, Independence Hall and many other historical sites along the East Coast.
The day before we were to come home, I asked to talk to my parents about joining the program. This was 3 months from when I saw them at the Terrell Air Show. They agreed to set up a time to meet with the Commander to go over the commitment and what being a Young Marine entails.
I completed boot camp February 2016. It was the longest four weekends, but it was the best feeling knowing I completed my goal and I graduated with honors on my 10th birthday.
My time with the Young Marines has provided countless outlets to explore different career paths, community service and continued education.
Last year, the Trinity Valley Young Marines participated in the Van Zandt Fly-In by providing a flag ceremony and presenting colors. I met a pilot at the air show that took me on a plane ride, in the plane he built from 3 crashed aircrafts. He talked to me about EAA program and the benefits
for a young aviator.
I received the membership as a gift for Christmas and joined the EAA Chapter in McKinney. That same month I applied to the SPACES program with the Young Marines. This year I began attending the EAA chapter meetings in McKinney. I took my first Young Eagle flight provided by the President of the EAA Chapter in McKinney. The next month we drove to Oklahoma City to the Young Eagle Rally which I was able to take a second flight with one of the volunteered pilots. I have a third flight scheduled in a week with the next Young Eagle Rally.
I was given the opportunity this past summer to spend a week at the National Flight Academy in Pensacola Florida. This was due to the application I submitted the previous year for the SPACES Program with the Young Marines.
Each day that I was there we were given a mission to complete. Our platoon was tasked with coming up with tactical solutions using science, math, technology and studying the resources provided by the Flight Academy. We were able to fly in simulators, which was the highlight of the week. The last activity we shared as a group was graduating at the Flight Museum on the base.
The Young Marines opens opportunities that you never thought were possible. It introduces you to new interest that you might not have been aware of. Open doors and connects you to other organizations and people.
All in all, if you want to be in any military branch or prepare for future jobs the Young Marinesmis great for learning teamwork, leadership and discipline.
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